Spotkanie dla studentów zainteresowanych karierą zagraniczną

W najbliższy wtorek 27 marca zapraszamy studentów kierunku lekarskiego i lekarsko-dentystycznego zainteresowanych rozwojem kariery za granicą na spotkanie organizowane przy współpracy z English Division.

Dear Students of English and Polish Division,

We would like to invite you to a meeting concerning your future career after graduation from Wroclaw Medical University.

The whole meeting will be hosted by your colleagues from the 6th year of ED - experienced and talented students who will share their knowledge, skills and thoughts with you.
How to become a doctor in US, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, Germany? Please join us and take part in the presentations and a question+answer session!.

Day: March 27th 2018
Time: 5:30 pm till 8:00 pm
Place: Library lecture hall no. 209